Many people when starting an earn online income business make the same mistake. They enter internet business thinking that they know everything that there is to it. But in reality they do not have a clue!.
They think that just setting up a website with a couple of affiliate adds on it, post the site on a few classified ads sites and away you go the cash comes streaming in, no problem.
Their mindset is that of ” It’s a simple thing to do, there is no need to get coaching on the subject anyone can do it.” A lot of people think that way. They put up a site and place ads here there and everywhere, placing free classifieds, post on forums regularly free traffic, right?
Then after a short time even a few weeks the total sales for the month add up to $20 or $30. Many carry on with the same routine posting ads and commenting on forums, waiting for the point that things start to ramp up and they can earn $1000’s each month. This very rarely happens…
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The work at home earn online income niche is very competitive. If you are finding that your results are similar you are not only reducing the chances of your online business succeeding but you’ll also find your competitors overtaking you.
The best thing to do is stop, find an already successful online business owner. Research the way they have set there online business up find the processes they use on a daily basis.
Some good starting points for you to use to have a succesful earn online income business are:
1) Get Proper Training…
Again, look for a successful online entrepreneurs and find what works for them. Investigate thoroughly the methods and systems that are working for these online businesses. Another point is to meet up with, and start associating with already successful people who earn online income, if you mix with people who are not earning much online you will also be in the same boat.
2) An auto responder is a must…
Before explaining about autoresponders, it is necessary to know that you will need a group of email subscribers that visit your site regularly. These subscribers will need to be collected correctly, they should give you their permission to periodically send them emails. You should not spam them directly using bought email lists this will totally ruin your online business reputation from day one.
Using an email list will save you a great amount of time your prospective customers will be able to receive your newsletter regularly. The advantage of using email marketing is that the auto responder works automatically once set up, instead of you calling each one in turn using up your valuable time.
With an email autoresponder you could contact say 10,000 subscribers in no time, compared having to contact each one individually just imagine how long that would take!
Q. Will not setting an autoresponder up affect the chances of having success with an earn online income business?
A. No, not necessarily but having one in place will dramatically increase your possibilities of earning more online income, as your list grows so will your earnings.
3) Look for a mentor…
After finding a very successful online business owner, contact them by email and ask them if you could work with them on a one to one basis. If your able to, don’t go into it as if you already know everything, learn and absorb everything that they teach you, implement and put that into practice all that you learn into your earn online income websites.
This person will be your mentor, your coach and most of all, your friend.
Once you set up your web based home business correctly using proven systems for earning money online, you will soon see yourself making a genuine online income. The most useful advice that I can provide is that, you don’t give up even if it seems difficult and to much work don’t give up work through those periods of doubt. There are many making a very decent living working online there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be one. Have belief in yourself you will succeed!
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